There are a number of very important advantages to SlipStream over cablemodems. Number one is Security. Cablemodems run over a shared network configuration, similar to that of an office network. It is very easy to mis-configure your computer so that anyone on the cable system can view your files, add to and even erase those files, and print hundreds of pages on your printer - with no trace!
The second advantage is that when you choose SlipStream DSL from NETinc, you are dealing with an Internet company, and not a cable company. Incidentally, other independent Internet Service Providers in the Hamilton market may soon be offering SlipStream DSL service, and you will be able to use the ISP of your choice.
Since 1995, NETinc has been offering both standard and innovative Internet solutions, and we excell at providing reliable high-speed communications at reasonable rates. Internet is what we do, and we do nothing else. Cable companies are simply adding a service to their portfolio.
The third advantage is speed and design. SlipStream DSL is a dedicated, point-to-point connection from you to the nearest SlipStream DSL access point, and from there, directly to the Internet. You are not sharing your line with your neighbors, and therefore no "snooping" can take place. The line can go as high as 1.5 Megabits per second, which is nothing short of astonishing.
On the back end, we connect the SlipStream DSL access points via 155 Megabits per second "OC3" fiber optic circuits. This is a rockin' solution - state of the art!
Your modem and setup fee is $749.99. The SlipStream modem is a PCI card, and drivers are included for Windows 95/98/NT ONLY.
Your SlipStream line will cost $140 to install from Bell Canada.